Comments on: Day 79, August 5th 2008, beginning in Cape Lookout State Park, Oregon https://wikiblog.l/2008/08/21/day-79-august-5th-2008-beginning-in-cape-lookout-state-park-oregon/ the cross-country bike-touring website-launching journey Mon, 22 Aug 2011 12:40:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: molly https://wikiblog.l/2008/08/21/day-79-august-5th-2008-beginning-in-cape-lookout-state-park-oregon/comment-page-1/#comment-377 Sat, 23 Aug 2008 03:20:55 +0000 you got the spelling right! and i am sooooo jealous that you met a kevin mccallister look alike!

By: Ny https://wikiblog.l/2008/08/21/day-79-august-5th-2008-beginning-in-cape-lookout-state-park-oregon/comment-page-1/#comment-375 Fri, 22 Aug 2008 20:53:39 +0000 Helloooo… It's been awhile, I know. I've been with you, just not home, so it's not as easy to write. Sorry.

Seems like every one is coming & going ~ those loved & old friends & new ones alike. I'm sure you all enjoyed your time together.

Here's to less rocky roads & more sunshine… may it come your way soon so you can really appreciate that west coast waterfront!

Love to you both.

By: Fred and Wilma (actually Donna) https://wikiblog.l/2008/08/21/day-79-august-5th-2008-beginning-in-cape-lookout-state-park-oregon/comment-page-1/#comment-374 Fri, 22 Aug 2008 18:52:08 +0000 I understand not wanting to leave a warm comfortable bed on a cold overcast day…but you are not in a warm comfortable bed! You guys deserve to slow it a bit and enjoy the coast. It remains to be seen if you can keep it up. Mark in the future may speed you a little.


By: Markie Mark https://wikiblog.l/2008/08/21/day-79-august-5th-2008-beginning-in-cape-lookout-state-park-oregon/comment-page-1/#comment-372 Fri, 22 Aug 2008 18:20:56 +0000 Hey, boys. Just commenting to say hi, and wish I was still out on the road, instead of being stuck in my office. I hope the Disney tickets make it to my brother's house before you guys do. Keep on riding!!!

By: momR https://wikiblog.l/2008/08/21/day-79-august-5th-2008-beginning-in-cape-lookout-state-park-oregon/comment-page-1/#comment-368 Thu, 21 Aug 2008 14:16:00 +0000 Meghan & Chris;

Never mind the Grand Canyon ( not literally!). How 'bout home!!??!!??

By: Meghan https://wikiblog.l/2008/08/21/day-79-august-5th-2008-beginning-in-cape-lookout-state-park-oregon/comment-page-1/#comment-367 Thu, 21 Aug 2008 13:09:56 +0000 you said “yucky”. just wanted to make note of that for the next time you make fun of me for ending a word in “y”

Hope you're getting ready for your trip to the Grand Canyon, Mark!! so exciting!

By: momR https://wikiblog.l/2008/08/21/day-79-august-5th-2008-beginning-in-cape-lookout-state-park-oregon/comment-page-1/#comment-366 Thu, 21 Aug 2008 11:04:44 +0000 Morning Chris,

Just wanted to thank you for the early morning blog — I feel like you are here in the kitchen with me…… just talking!!

Ride on! Miss you!

